heeeeey youuuu guuuuuuys!
i wonder how many people got that reference lol.
anyway how's it goin' NG? I got tired of looking at my last post so i thought i'd give an update.
my school's fall semester is finally over!! i can breathe now!
i'll be spending this time programming my ass off and watching/playing as many anime/video games as i possibly can.
so yeah if anyone's up for playing video games with me (PS4, PS3, Wii U, 3DS, or Steam),
or maybe even doing some personal programming jams sometime, just shoot me a PM!
also shoot me a PM if you want some anime recommendations, cause i have pretty good taste :>
later doods!
Hey dude been seeing you a lot in the game development forum so I decided to check your profile out haha I see you don't have any games here - does that mean you are in the middle of making your first game? You seem to know quite a bit for someone that doesn't have a game up here lol
Hope you had a kick ass break away from school playing tons of video games - I spent my time working on a few flash games I'm making while still making time for video games haha Started the new school quarter this past Monday and it's already sucking up all my free time >_<
Lastly, in your post you said "doing some personal programming jams" - what in the heck is that exactly? :P
PsychoZombii (Updated )
lol well, i used to have a game up here tbh but it was an EMBARRASSMENT
i decided to take it down and not post any games until i'm satisfied with how it came out. i've just never been satisfied enough to finish development on another game so far haha. i've been programming in AS3 for approx. 2 years, so i guess you could say i'm upper intermediate? idk really, i just like programming heheh. i'm working on a desktop game atm, so sadly i wont be uploading anytime soon (unless i decide to port it to web) but after this game's done i wanna make something simple and fun to upload here
and thanks, i had (and am still having) the kick assiest break anyone could ask for lol. i did the same as you really, worked on my current game project, played a good amount of video games that i've been dying to play. i beat like 3 so far, so i think i had a good haul ! sorry to hear that you've been abducted by school already lmao
school is a pain, i know
oh, and by programming jams i just meant like programming together or something, lol. you know, like through teamviewer or skype audio chat or whatever :>
edit: nice games btw :)