Which is really just my obnoxious way of saying:
"I've been learning AS3 faster than I thought I would, lol."
So I have finally learned enough AS3 to make a few types of games,
and I think it's time to upload my first AS3 project.
It's nothing more than a quiz game,
but I've added a few treats like a custom medalget system,
and some fun super minigames.
This game is actually part 3 in a series of quiz games I made,
but part 1+2 were deleted because of my embarrassment of the younger me.
mistakes you make when you're young kills you when you see them yourself, lol.
Anyway this game is only meant to be a stepping stone,
and I plan to finish it in a few weeks.
After this, I'll move on to something much bigger:
My Action/ Adventure/ platformer game I've been talking about.
Granted everything goes as planned, of course.
It shall have tons of gameplay,
great music,
a nice storyline (might need a good animator for this one),
and I'm even planning to have DLC event challenges.
I may or may not cut out that idea though.
Anyway, look forward to H.S.A.Y. 3!